Monday, February 10, 2014

Sykes-Sabock Challenge

While our elite alumni were tearing it up in Boston on Saturday. The guys and girls on the varsity team took to the track for the season's final home indoor meet. Graduating seniors were recognized and will be joining us on the "other side" shortly. Probably wondering how the last four years could have gone by so fast. Results and recap here and here.

The women won the meet with 228.5 points, well ahead of second place Buffalo with 86. The men finished second to Connecticut 162.5-159. As it should in scored meets, the final score was decided by the 4x4. Penn State won but UConn got the necessary second place to secure enough points to clinch. Fitting that we have a scored meet the week after I shared an article about college dual meets.

The performance of the meet goes to Brannon Kidder and his 800 in 1:47.45. The time puts him in a tie for first in the nation with Eluid Rutto of Middle Tennessee State and earned Big Ten Men's Indoor Athlete of the Week. Owen Dawson set the race up perfectly pacing the first 400 meters. I guess he wanted a piece of the action after being left out of last weeks rabbiting glory.

Not to be forgotten. Fawn Dorr competed at the New Balance Indoor Grand Prix in Boston as well. Coming in 6th for the 400 with 54.72. Live on national television of course.

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