Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Groundhog Was Right

Punxsutawney Phil takes quite a bit of abuse from those with expensive instruments and fancy degrees, many of them right at PSU.  But through it all, he hit the nail on the head this year.  I'm hoping the snow and cold hasn't hurt any of the PSU distance runner's training.

But the real question is, "How long did Bill Murray have to relive February 2, over and over again, to finally get it right and move on to February 3?"

Here's 2 compelling answers for those who desire accuracy and those with obsessive-compulsive issues.

  • Writer and Director Harold Ramis opines, "I think the 10-year estimate is too short. It takes at least 10 years to get good at anything, and allotting for the down time and misguided years he spent, it had to be more like 30 or 40 years…"
  • An exhaustive review of just about everything finds... 

    33 years and 350 days

    Yeah, you better go read the whole thing!

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