Monday, February 17, 2014

From Sea to Shining Sea

The Penn State men and women spent the weekend either in Seattle, WA or Geneva, OH. Since I can't be in two places at once (not yet at least) and the blog revenues can't afford to reimburse travel expenses. I'll leave the coverage this week to Results and recap from here. (Kara Foster did throw down a 16:01.56 5000 meter at the Husky Classic.)
At the USA Cross Country Championships in Boulder, CO our own Tyler McCandless took 21st in 38:32 for the 12K course.
Photo via the Newton Running Elite facebook page
The 107th Millrose Games at Madison Square Garden The Armory had the Steve Shisler led State College boys take second in the high school boys 4x800 in 7:47.75 while future 800U member William Cather split 1:53.9. Only 10 years ago that time would of easily won an outdoor state title and now it's common place for an indoor stuff. Crazy stuff from 800 High. Since we had alumni involved in competition from coast to coast (literally), I am giving this my performance of the weekend. Props to Coach Shisler for getting the boys to think big time. Video of the race from the State College TFXC facebook page.

1 comment:

  1. Blog revenues are down year over year, probably because of the weather. They will shortly pick up to normal levels of $0/Quarter with Spring.


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