Saturday, March 1, 2014

More Old-Timey Goodness From All Over

We've had an influx of new members to our group, and some increased activities from "old" members too.  We've also had some nice notes of encouragement from other Alumni Groups wondering just what the heck are we up to.

I tell everyone who asks that question the same thing.  Without any hesitation or hint of doubt, I tell them we are working to become the largest and most active Track and Field Alumni Group in the whole world.  And I have no doubt.  We all belong to the largest College Alumni Group* in the world already, so its only a matter of time.

New member Steve Bratt brings us this great photo of the 1975 Cross country team:

Some great things I see on there are:
  1. John Zeigler's glasses!
  2. Mark Parker's glasses! (what's up with that!)
  3. Bill Sheskey's hair!
  4. Tim Backenstose's hair! (and he's as skinny as Ziggy!)
  5. That's Steve Bratt next to Bill Sheskey with the same smile as Coach Groves!
Steve also submitted a results page for the 1978 Nittany Valley Marathon, which backs up my previous story of helping three of our better milers to their first run over 15 miles in their lives (actually 17 in the PSU tradition!).  I "taught" Larry Mangan, Mike Wyatt and Tom Rapp to hold back at the start of the race and only increase pace every five miles.  We made it all the way to third place at 20 miles before I faded. (In my defense I had pneumonia only 3 weeks earlier!)  All 3 went on to beat me in quite remarkable times considering the cold and snow-covered roads and the fact that they never ran more than "15" before.  Also note how I had to scramble to beat Liz Berry and Coach Groves! It also may be the only time I ever beat Gary Black! Also note the 53 year-old Hersh Leibowitz running a 3:25 marathon!  He gets more amazing to me every year looking back at things. (RIP Hersch).

Here's a pic dedicated Golfer  Bill Malchano dug out of his "Way Back" drawer, showing that like Paul Souza, he once had hair! (Hey Bill, I remembered the "A" this time!)

Bill Malchano in the Ice Palace!
*Ah, heck, maybe Michigan or Ohio State has a larger group.  I'm not even going to look it up. I feel like John Belushi asking "Did we quit when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor...?" (RIP Harold Ramis)

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