Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Definitive Guide to the Penn Relays From One of Our Own!

Tim Johnson is a real writer.  Tim Johnson is a real golfer too.  Tim Johnson has produced a darn fine preview of the Penn Relays on Penn Live for the casual fan (and the rather rabid fan too!).  This includes many links and previews of each day of the whole Carnival. Be sure to stop by the article and add some good comments and praise his works.

He has been commissioned to produce similar articles for the preview and review of our humble golf tourney, but I'm not holding him to a word count!  His fees will resemble those of the highest officers of our group.  Good luck with that, Tim!


  1. The realness of my writing is up for debate...but I am definitely not a real golfer. Thanks for the kind words just the same!

  2. From my lowly perch in the birdcage of writers and golfers, you sure look like real ones to me! It's all quite relative. But what I lack in talent, I make up for in volume. hee hee


Thanks for commenting. Keep up the good work! (Try to mention others to encourage them to comment too!)