Saturday, April 26, 2014

We Were Robbed in the Sprint Medley by LSU Yesterday.

I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part!  And we're just the guys to do it.

Apparently, LSU missed the deadline for inclusion in the Penn Relays Championship of America Sprint Medley yesterday and weren't disqualified.  They were hastily allowed to enter the College  heat instead.  Their time in that race happened to be better than Penn State's in the Championship heat and they claimed the Wheel while Penn State was already on the podium.  Their actions were less than honorable, from what I have heard.

In the tradition of Bluto in Animal House, this calls for a gesture in response.  A futile gesture showing disgust.  What better way to show this futile gesture than a cliched movie clip from a Nazi movie substituting dialog to explain the situation.  So I bring you...

Penn State Was Robbed by LSU

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