Friday, May 16, 2014

It's a Shame the Big Announcement Comes With a Fatwa

I had a nice meeting with Co-Blogger Matt Groves yesterday for dinner as thanks for helping me with the content of the blog.  During a steak meal (at a Seafood Joint no less!) I announced to Matt that I am making him a full-fledged Administrator of the blog!  I figure he has proven his assets and served enough of a internship to deserve "the big time". The Reunion Weekend is a great time for the announcement.  Be sure to thank him for his efforts when you see him.

His first duties will be to get the Alumni Records fully updated and posted on the sidebar.  This will guarantee scorn and conniptions across the fruited plain, but we'll do our best to bring a semblance of accuracy to the endeavor.

When Matt first came to me (yeah, that's right, he came to me!  No stalking necessary!) and asked to help with the blog content, I was thrilled.  Readership is up, as are submissions of news and items of interest.  Our mutual goals of a vibrant and far-reaching organization promoting the past, present and future of PSU Track are on track.

The only downside, we are aware, is the fatwa against us.  But we will pay that no mind.  Any help our members and readers provide us with that will be appreciated.

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging, Matt!

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