Tuesday, May 6, 2014

May 6, 1954

From The Guardian

"Sixty years ago on Tuesday Roger Bannister collapsed into a swarm of men wearing stiff macs and bowler hats, his body feeling "like an exploding flashbulb" as he fell. Then came the words that revived him quicker than any pharmaceutical pick-me-up. "Result of event eight: one mile. First, RG Bannister of Exeter and Merton colleges, in a time which, subject to ratification, is a new track record, British record, European record, Commonwealth record and world record – Three minutes and …"

The rest of the sentence was drowned by cheers. Bannister, a 25-year-old medical student, had become the first to break through the four-minute barrier....."

The iconic photo of Bannister making history
Sixty years later and running a sub 4 minute mile is still a milestone (pun intended) for any elite middle distance runner. Despite the long list of those who have gone under the mythical barrier since Sir Bannister.

I'll use this as an excuse to shamelessly plug my term paper, written for Dr. Lucas's Olympic History class, and our podcast on the topic.


  1. More people in the world have climbed Mt. Everest than have broken 4 minutes.

  2. Time for a shout out to all Penn State (undergrad[u] or grad[g]) Sub4 milers:
    Greg Fredericks[g] 1979 US #94
    Larry Mangan[u] 1980 US #103
    Mike Wyatt 1980[g] US #104
    Ryan Foster[u] 2011
    Robbie Creese[u] 2012 US#372
    Brannon Kidder[u] 2013 US#386
    Owen Dawson[g] 2013 US#401
    As of 4/15/2014 420 American runners have accomplished this feat.

  3. Been reading letsrun eh?


  4. Don't forget the Great White North's Matt Lincoln! As a graduate he broke the barrier too.


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