Monday, May 12, 2014

No Apologies

To start off reunion week. Yes the blog is linking to TMZ and like Charles I won't apologize for it.

"Charles Barkley says HELL WILL FREEZE OVER before he apologizes to the fat community for making fun of the large women of San Antonio ... claiming, "That's not gonna happen."

Barkley came under fire from MULTIPLE obesity organizations after he went on "Inside the NBA" and said S.A. is a "gold mine" for Weight Watchers because the women there are so huge.

But last night, Sir Charles addressed the situation head on -- saying, "They want me to apologize? That's not gonna happen."......."

Funny considering Barkley is rather plump himself, his nickname is the "Round Mound of Rebound" after all. But the man plays golf so he is obviously a goodfella. His swing certainly is unique.

Is it to late to invite him to golf with us this year?
Anybody else own this game?


  1. Now this the kind of trashy reporting that is blog-worthy! A sigh of relief has just been heaved.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Simple sophomoric humor wins the day.


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