Sunday, May 4, 2014

On Inflation and a Golden Opportunity

I just visited Wal Mart, (yeah Wal Mart, so sue me!) to purchase this year's group of golf balls I will leave in the ponds, creeks, neighborhood lawns and greenery of the Mountain View Country Club.  That will allow Greg Fredericks to donate his batch of found balls to another deserving PSU Track Alumni Golfer.

Doing this each year for a dozen years now, I must state that inflation has caught up with even the cheapest among us.  The "real" balls are upwards of $30 or so for a dozen, and even bargain name-brands are much more than ever before.  The refurbished "premium" balls have also become what I consider prohibitive in price.  So the garbage mismatched refurbished balls will have to do at $6 per dozen.  Fifty cents apiece for a briefly rented small spherical object is the most I'm willing to pay.  And I can't even splurge on the "cheater balls" (smaller than real certified balls and having more dimples) I've always delighted in using.  They can't be found anywhere.  They added 10 yards to my drives (that actually made it off the ground!) giving me a one in 50 chance of having my drive be the chosen one out of our foursome. I've done the math, and that's about right for all 12 years of our tourney.

And since YOU are every bit as good a golfer as I am, and likely better, this is the chance to get your name on the Coach Groves Memorial Cup.*  A benevolent Alumni Golfer (more on that later) has already paid YOUR way for all the activities at this year's reunion and golf tourney, including the Reception, the Golf Tourney and the Awards Dinner.  And since the Alumni "Run" is already free, YOU get the works.

To enter your name or the name of someone else in the pool of potential winners of this unprecedented honor, email me at  This email should contain a name of the potential recipient, an email address in order to reach them, and certainly a bit of mirth thrown in. The only requirement on the part of the winner of this unique opportunity is a promise to one day "pay it forward" for someone else.  The deadline is this Friday May 9 at Noon in order to give the winner a chance to arrange his schedule for full immersion in the Reunion experience.

*It's not really a Cup and Coach Groves is alive and well and still able to kick your ass.

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