Wednesday, May 7, 2014

One Bad Apple Can Spoil the Barrel: A New Comments Policy

Comments Policy*

(1) Comments are moderated, but with the lightest of touches, to exclude only off-topic comments or obviously racist or similar remarks.

(2) My clearing a comment implies neither that I agree nor that I disagree with the comment. My opinion is expressed in my words and my words only. Since this blog has more than 1800 posts, and since I at least occasionally comment myself, the blog provides more than enough material for readers to discern my opinions.

(3) If a reader finds an offensive comment, I urge the reader to e-mail me; if the comment is offensive, I will gladly delete it.

(4) Commenters who either misrepresent their identity or who engage in obvious troll behavior will not have their comments cleared. Troll-like behavior includes, but is not limited to: repeatedly linking to off-topic sites; repeatedly asking questions that already have been answered; offering unsubstantiated (or even substantiated) remarks whose sole purpose appears to be inflaming other commenters. This will apply to everyone equally, including myself and other blog representatives.

*This is stolen from the Blog Durham in Wonderland and one of the smartest people I have ever been aware of, KC Johnson, a history professor at Brooklyn College.

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Thanks for commenting. Keep up the good work! (Try to mention others to encourage them to comment too!)