Sunday, May 18, 2014

Preliminary Reunion Post: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

The Good:
  • A great turn-out in an "Off Year" (when the team is away at Big Tens)
  • Many new members and first-timers
  • A completely random draw of foursomes and a competitive tourney
  • Best ever organization by Founder Clark Haley and Keeper of the Cup Harry Smith
  • Eager attendance of Coach Groves at every event
  • Superb turn-out by recent grads
  • New Board members appointed (more on this later)
  • Overwhelming support for the continuation of our efforts and the "herding of cats" (my phrase),  aka stalking (as determined by other Board members)
The Bad:
  • The tie for last place between my team and Harry Smith's team in the golf tourney
The Ugly:
  •   Kelly O'Brien's pants (photos to be supplied later!)

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