Thursday, May 1, 2014

Rusty Boots Forever

The HUB-Roberson Center is undergoing another renovation. I swear the last one was finished just five years ago.

I noticed, when walking through the HUB the other day, they had steel beams on display. The same steel beams will be used in the construction of the new HUB and people were encouraged to leave their mark on the building. Naturally I signed my name and planned to etch something related to Penn State Track, but someone beat me to it.

In a thousand years, when the HUB is an ancient ruin, they will wonder who was this Rusty Boots? Was it some kind of religious worship? What was this 800U?

Or it could be knocked down five years from now when they renovate the HUB yet again. Since the Penn State campus is basically a real life version of the computer game Sim City.


  1. PSU is 800U! More upsetting to a select few than a Hitler video!

  2. I'm sure one of those malcontents is also upset with your views on foot injuries despite your actual degree in podiatry. From what school did Dr. Evil get his degree?


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