Saturday, June 7, 2014

A Saturday Throwback Thursday Stolen From the Intertubes: With the Circle of Life Thrown In

As my daughters said when they were younger, "This was before they invented color..."  And the second one is from when "Color was experimental..."

An early 60's Gary Schwartz.

Matt Hutzelmann (second from left), Bob Hamer (second from right) and Leif Steiner (right) at the 1990 PIAA "Mile"
And my Daughter the Elder just received her summer schedule for her upcoming Freshman XC season at Penn State Mont Alto from Matt and Bob's former high school coach Bill Preston.


  1. Will Martha be doing switchbacks and during her 120-140 miles per week on average summer routine? Inquirying minds want to know?

  2. If she ever gets even half that number I would be surprised. But she does do hill workouts similar to our North Oak Lane and Julian Pike hill repeats. Luckily she can join Daughter the Younger at the high school summer workouts also. They have graduates and parents join in all the time.


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