Thursday, June 19, 2014

I'm Being Cheated Again

In case you have not noticed, things in America have changed drastically since the 1970's.  Very little has remained unchanged except for the number of people in front of you in every line you find yourself in.  Being self-employed has become such a burden that fewer and fewer small businesses, especially in Medicine, are being created.  As a lone, dying*, independent health-care provider in the wellness universe, I just found out I'm being cheated even more!

It turns out that despite sleeping more than anyone I know, I'm still not getting an average amount of sleep for an American**, and I'm working more than twice as much as an average American.  Needless to say, this sucks.  I just want to know who the people are that sleep 8 1/2 hours a day and only work 4 hours a day?

*only in the existential sense.
** I do run an average of 31 minutes a day, for what that is worth.

1 comment:

  1. Wait!
    Is this the transcript of the rest of Michael Wilbon's rant???


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