Wednesday, June 11, 2014

It Took Penn State Astro-Physicists To Figure Out The Dark Side Of The Moon!

Heck, every single one of us had that figured out in the 70's... (Hint: sync it up with a soundless version of The Wizard of Oz.)

But the PSU scientists actually figured out why there aren't any "Seas" on the dark side of the moon.  Is there any thing Physicists can't do?

Good luck to the PSU athletes in Eugene starting today!

And my favorite Pink Floyd song from the Olympic Ceremony..   Wish You Were Here


  1. David Gilmour's favorite cover. Blows the original away.

  2. Great, great tune. I actually knew the words to it almost immediately, without ever trying to memorize them. Still know almost all of them even after all these years. And I can't remember almost anything else including what I just had for lunch. Weird, but pleasurable.


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