Saturday, June 14, 2014

On Camaraderie and Rusty Boots


noun: camaraderie - mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together.

Our recent introduction to the newest author here, Nick Scarpello, and his very first post, got me to thinking about many things.  Which is one of my biggest weaknesses, I suppose.  The more I think, the more trouble I get into.

Nick's post was excellent, and reinforces what this whole blogging effort is for (among a few other things that are personal and not even understood by me!).  He rightly points out that:

  • Golf is very low on the scale of importance at our group.  Even to the point of being irrelevant.  It's there to honor the origins in Clark Haley's Golf Tournament to thank Coach Groves for all that he did for him (and for the rest of us!).
  • We all still have a passion for running, jumping or throwing, even if we can't do it any more!  At least we have a passion for others doing it, and doing it well at PSU.
  • Our group is a starting line for reconnecting ALL ex-PSU Tracksters.  And although we are closer to the starting line of that, we have taken important strides towards the goal.  
  • There is something special about those in our group.  I have realized in the past 6 years that PSU Track Alumni (Golfers) are the most accomplished, interesting and intelligent people I have come across.  And that's despite being exposed to the higher reaches of academia and medicine.
  • He realizes I have an unhealthy appetite for  1-Star (or less) movie comedies.  Especially with Adam Sandler or Will Ferrel. I cannot stand slasher movies or CGI Super-hero flicks.
  • All of us will eventually be overtaken by high-schoolers (girls, 3-legged dogs, old men, old women and....)
  • Nick and I have not met yet, but I already know a lot about him.  And not through stalking!  I know many things about him just by his being a PSU Track Alumni (Golfer)!  I have also seen him run a couple of times (Unless that is considered stalking?)  And I know from social media sources that he loves his school, his teammates, and his family. There can be no finer member of our Group.  
Nick also brings up Rusty Boots.  Which has been a meme around these blog pages for quite some time.  Our efforts to run down the meaning and origins of Rusty Boots have previously met with less than success.  It turns out that placing last in the recent Coach Groves Tourney was a boon to the search for the fountainhead of our beloved chant.  All 3 of my foursome-mates knew more about the beginnings of Rusty Boots than anyone else I have run across.  I will be in touch with each of them in the near future to try to bring more definitive news to everyone, including names and dates  And even a photo of a facsimile of the original Rusty Boots, dating back to before the time when color was invented! I may offer a reward for the near-originals for bronzing and inclusion with the Coach Groves Memorial Cup!

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