Sunday, June 15, 2014

Ten Things I Learned From My Dad

  1. If you are not 15 minutes early, you are late.  Also known as Vince Lombardi Time. (Here and Here) Vince was  coached against George and Joseph Paterno's high school basketball team.  When he became an NFL coach, Vince would call for a 7:00PM team meeting and lock the doors at 6:45PM.
  2. A baseball game isn't worth going to unless you see batting practice. (corollary to #1)
  3. It is possible to see a large column of numbers, and supply the total without use of a pen or pencil OR a calculator.
  4. Breakfast is a suitable meal at any time of day.
  5. Chewing gum in class used to be the worst thing that could ever happen in a school. (AKA, the good ole days.)
  6. It's OK if the first time you ever heard the MF-swear-word was when you were 21 years old.
  7. Underhanded free-throw shooting is better than any other method. (I never beat him in a free throw shooting contest, and that would probably be true if we tried later today.)
  8. Lobster is one hell of a meal.
  9. Computers aren't the end-all, be-all of civilization.
  10. A Penn State degree ain't bad at all.
Dad and Me 1979.


  1. if you're not 15 minutes early, you're late. especially if you're a retiree wanting a good table for the early-bird specials.

  2. Mine told me to look people in the eye, have a firm handshake, make sure your shoes are shined, never, ever be late (it's a sign of laziness) and never root for any teams but the Pittsburgh Steelers and Pirates. He gave me a pass for Penn State.


  3. That's Ted Lyon in the immediate left background. Now he is wearing a medium!


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