Sunday, June 29, 2014

Track's Hot! So is the runway...

Track temperature surfaces estimated at 120 Fahrenheit today in Sacramento.

Just a few moments ago Mahagony Jones took fifth in the USATF Outdoor 200m final (22.64). One heck of a way to go out as a senior.

Just less than half an hour ago Casimir Loxsom took second in the USATF Outdoor 800m final (1:45). Duane Solomon took the bell lap at 49 seconds with Cas on his heels. Always one to get out hard, Cas' agressive running paid off in big ways as Charles Jock caused a bit of a stumble from the middle pack with 500m to go. Congrats Cas.

Meanwhile back here in Bucks County, the airport runway was hot. The afternoon heat was tipping over 90 degrees as Owen and Kyle Dawson took 1-2 in the Bucks County Mile — an out-and-back on the Johnstown Naval Air Base Runway in Warminster, PA. Hobbling on the sideline but cheering nonetheless was me.
These two remind me of that scene in Happy Gilmore where Happy keeps throwing big checks in the back seat of his car as he hops from tournament to tournament trying to buy back his Grandmother's house.

How do I get one of those big checks?


  1. It isn't as hot here in West Virginia but there's way less teeth and internet!

  2. Oh, and BTW, continuing to post references to 1-Star Adam Sandler (or other SNL "has-beens") films will garner you points toward a Blogger of the Year Award. Since we don't have one yet, I'm officially creating it now.


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