Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Another PSU Track/XC and Rugby Link

Last year's episode of arson of the golf course shed housing supplies for both PSU Rugby and Cross Country was one link.  Two disgruntled rugby players had too many adult beverages and decided to take their frustrations out on the innocent shed.  I suppose the XC course supplies have been replaced in time for the Coach Groves Spiked Shoe Meet this year.

Dane Rauschenberg represents another link between Dear Ole State's XC and Rugby teams.  Before embarking on his incredible endurance sports career, Dane played on PSU's Rugby team.  Dane is from Titusville PA, not very far away from The Blog Muse Rob Whiteside's home in Harmonsburg, and also my former team captain John Zeigler's Meadville.

Dane relates that when he was running his 52 marathons in 52 weeks, he had the Georgetown Running Company  (I've been there!) as a sponsor and was getting tired of the cheer "Go Hoyas!" from the crowds.  So he inquired about getting a PSU singlet to wear instead, to reflect his PSU Pride.  He relates at the time he didn't know much about Coach Groves (or he might not have asked!).  But in a true reflection of Coach Groves (not the image others might believe) Coach came through for him.

Dane was quick to add that he rarely wears the singlet now because he did not run for PSU back in the day.  I assured him that our Alumni Singlets signal support for the PSU Program and are not an exclusive perk available only to ex-PSU Track athletes.

Another sale will be coming very soon.  And don't forget the new dri-fit work-out shirts which are suitable for the out-of-shape joggers (sloggers?) like me!

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