Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly: Another Obsessive/Compulsive Personal Note

The end of an era will be occurring in the next few weeks for me.  Alas, I have averaged at least 5 miles a day since I started running "every day" in 1975.  (I had run a few miles previously starting in 1974, but only because our basketball coach made us join the cross country team!)

The Good:

My percentage of days in which I have run in my career continues to rise.  It is now at a level of 92.4% of days since July 1975.  I'm at better than 99% of days since my mother's passing in 2000.

The Bad:

My overall total miles is only at 71,000, a far cry from many others.  I'll very unlikely ever make the list of people over 100,000 lifetime miles.  (I'll bet there are a lot of cheaters on that list BTW!) Remember, Coach John Lucas had more than 160,000!

The Ugly:

Because of my concern for my knees following the three surgeries, I rarely run more than 3 miles daily.  The days that I don't run 3 or the rare instances where I don't run at all are lowering my average quite steadily.  There isn't any way to stop the leaks and I will soon fall under the "magic" 5 miles a day mark.  Maybe if I quit my job, I would be able to muster enough miles to continue to hover at the 5 level, but who am I kidding?  

Actually my daily average has been declining ever since 1980 anyway, so this is all certainly only a figment of an obsessive/compulsive nature.

Many of the people I know who certainly have run more than I have never bothered to keep track.  But is there anyone out there who has documented more miles or a better percentage of days?  Maybe I'll throw in a "PSU is 800 U" t-shirt for confirmation.

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