Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Queen is Taking a Pounding Lately

The recent IAAF Diamond League Meet in London had its Shot Put competition held at the front of Buckingham Palace.  With the great photos that have emerged from the event,it is a wonder that the competitors didn't knock down the front door.

Pip, pip, cheerio.

Our very own Joe Kovacs placed 4th in the event with a heave of  20.94M (stupid metric system... 68' 8.25").  That still has him tied for 2nd in the overall race (8 pts.) with David Storl of Germany behind Reese Hoffa's 11 pts.

Big Joe with Big Ben.

And with all those big men inside the gates of the Queen's home turf, the only animal testing positive for PEDs was one of her own horses!

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