Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Old White Kenyans Without Cars Getting Coffee

Vacation has meant a lull in blog posting that is unprecedented since our start in 2008!  To keep you informed, here is an itinerary of yesterdays vacation activities:
  1. Awake and head to Hotel complimentary breakfast.
  2. Return to Suite for nap.
  3. Head to Health Club for 3-mile run on treadmill.
  4. Return to Suite for nap.
  5. Awake and head to lunch at Wa-Wa.
  6. Return to Suite for nap.
  7. Head to Atlantic City for the Borgata Buffett.
  8. Return to Suite for sleep.
The worst part is that it is 100% accurate and verifiable.  But then I wouldn't have it any other way!

Today has already seen much more activity.  I met with honorary PSU Track Alumni (Golfer) Tim Kelly for delivery of 2 autographed copies of his book on the legendary Red Klotz.

Long time runner and author Tim Kelly.

We had a wonderful wide-ranging discussion on many topics, punctuated by new-found knowledge of his PSU street cred of having actually climbed Mt. Nittany before most of you were ever born!  He even posed like the Heisman Trophy in the ed zone of Beaver Stadium before they even closed in the southern end of the stadium!  I have invited him to golf with us and meet Coach Groves next year.

We discussed his efforts and tribulations on writing a book on his idol, and how tough it can be to see the whole thing through.  It is important to note that Tim finished the book in time for Red to read it before he recently passed away at 93.

Tim has tried to motivate me into a similar effort concerning Coach Groves.  He assures me I would have what it would take to undertake the effort.  Maybe I can check into it, although I would need extensive help from many of you.  Coach Groves deserves a book more than anyone I can think of.  Running With the Buffaloes and Once a Runner would have nothing on a book detailing Coach Groves' contributions to Collegiate Running. What do you think?

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