Friday, September 26, 2014

A Long Needed Update on the Blog

I'm not talking about the look or content.  Growing up in German-influenced Central Pennsylvania, I hate change for change's sake.  (I'm heading from this post to the New Eastern Market, a Farmer's Market which was built in 1956!)  The very same look, cramped style and hopefully mirthful content will continue as is. 

But there are plenty of things on the horizon for us.  I thank my muses, both named and unnamed, for steering me in a direction I might not otherwise take. Even my critics have helped immensely with this.  This started as my personal blog, and to an exten, it still is.  But newcomers and "old-comers" alike have transformed it into something on the brink of something better. Thanks to all of you!  I hope more of you will help.  Simple stories, photos, videos, quotes, and just thoughts are appreciated.  I can't believe all the stuff people send me.  Send more!

Hopeful enhancements in the future:

  • Original reporting, with real stories and real input into the workings of Penn State Track and Field/XC.  Every one of us has the potential to help the present and future. We'll have representation at future media days for the team and multiple events.
  • A re-entry into the Podcast Field.  I have several ideas and guests already lined up.  The pressures of a professional occupation, new college offspring, and high school offspring have made it difficult to pull the trigger on these.  Those will high pressure jobs, kids, or both, will know what I'm talking about. But I'm getting closer.  Fair warning to those I've contacted.  I hope to interview a wide range of people on their track careers, their present lives and their hopes for the future.  I'm pretty sure all of you will find them as fascinating as I do.
  • I hope to enhance our revenue somewhat.  Costs of some of the services we depend on have risen to several hundred dollars a year.  I hope to encourage some to click on the ads on our web site and possibly even become a consumer of some goods and services.  We have made about $50 a year without ever really pushing it, so we could probably up that to $150 to $200 a year with little effort. (All monies raised go directly to upkeep on those blog expenses. I have never used the funds for anything personal after the $4 donation I was instructed to get a Wendy's chicken sandwich with!) I strictly adhere to the terms of the ad service and don't click myself to artificially raise some revenue.  I'm an idiot that way.  But the rest of you can click away.  It is secure and if your personal security settings are even at the Normal level, there is no risk of nefarious things happening. Some of the advertisers are entities you already have used in the real world.  Of course, you can always donate to the group at any time on the right sidebar.
  • Our Group Store will be enhanced some time soon.  A new logo without the word golf will be commissioned soon.   That should help entice a wider range of clientele. This can help the revenue a bit too.
  • Continue to support our USATF/Mid-Atlantic team Penn State Track and Field Alumni.
  • I'm also up for any suggestions and recommendations from anyone.

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