Thursday, September 4, 2014

Last Day of Off-Topic Drivel Before XC Season: Fermilab To Figure Out If We Live In "The Matrix"

I credit the movie The Matrix (1999) for ruining movies for all time.  The CGI of people dodging bullets led directly to the 3D slow motion CGI of a rotating axe coming toward you in the theatre in every movie you see, even the chick-flick love stories!

For some reason, there is no longer the need for writers at all in movies, just scads of 13 year old computer geeks making up story boards on green backgrounds that actors feign moving in front of.  If you don't believe me, just get ahold of the script of a modern movie and read it.  It is an incomprehensible mess of meaningless drivel.  Compare the script of Transformers (2009) (any version) to The Maltese Falcon (1941), or even The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension (1984).

Now, the former home of Ron Moore, the Fermilab is trying to figure out if we are actually living in The Matrix.  God, I hope not.  I don't belong.

Here's a proposed scene from a remake of Erich "The winner of this race will be wearing socks" Segal's Love Story as envisioned by 13 year old computer geeks.

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