Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Bob Kennedy Is Back Baby!

Well, sorta kinda anyway.

Bob Kennedy, 5000 M Olympic Trial Champion 1996.

I can relate to his story.  I'll bet there are a lot of stories just like it.  Except he was at the top of the heap when he ran his final race. On pace for a 2:10 marathon at the halfway mark, and then  POOF, it was gone.  He didn't run again for 5 years.  And then it was just sporadically.  He was over 200 lbs at one point, big even for a rather big elite runner.  And now he's back,  entered in the NYC Marathon.  He thinks he'll run in the 3:20 to 3:30 range, which isn't bad for a 44 year old.  I had the same goal in my last race at age 37.  (I didn't make it.  I blame PEDs like echinacea and creatine and not general suckiness! hee hee hee)

Well, Bob, welcome to the fold.  Glad you could join us. Hobby jogging ain't half bad, no matter what the haters say.


  1. Sorry, Bob, it will never be as thrilling running that slowly.

    However, the upside is you may be running slowly enough to see what is going on around you and in the rest of the world and to focus on a lot of other pleasant and not so pleasant aspects of life.
    Enjoy life,

  2. I now run slow enough to see the grass grow.


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