Saturday, October 4, 2014

Our Mount Rushmore Has Five Faces

We got a great response to my initial query, "Who belongs on the Mount Rushmore of Penn State Track and Field?"  

I kept the criteria vague when asking the question on purpose.  I figured each of us would have a unique set of criteria, and I was right.  The real monument had a rather vague beginning also, until settling on historical figures representing the four periods of America's first 130 years.  The Founding (George Washington), Growth (Thomas Jefferson) Preservation (Abraham Lincoln), and Development (Teddy Roosevelt) were finally agreed upon.

Some wanted athletes only.  Some wanted to include only what was accomplished while in school.  By taking nominations from anyone, we left that gate wide open, so if others agreed with you, you had a fair chance of attaining your desired outcome.  If yours was a lone voice in the wilderness, like mine often is, you were out of luck.

We got quite a few nominations, with several garnering questions to me such as "who is that?" when even the internet didn't come through for them.

In the end, I'm OK with the results.  The five on the face of the Mount Rushmore of Penn State Track and Field are:

  1. Horace Ashenfelter - Olympic Gold Medalist and World Record Holder*
  2. Coach Harry R. Groves - 38 year  PSU Coach and Olympic Coach*
  3. Greg Fredericks - American Record Holder and Olympian*
  4. Barney Ewell - Olympic Gold Medalist*
  5. Mike Shine - Olympic Silver Medalist*
Others garnering votes in descending order are:  Curt Stone, Dr. John Lucas, Kathy (Mills) Parker, Nate Cartmell, Larry Shields, Mike Sands, Charles "Chick" Werner,  Coach Beth Alford-Sullivan, Bridget Franek and Shana Cox.

I will be commissioning a sculpture at some point and hope to place it halfway up the Switchbacks in Bear Meadows.** 

* Arbitrary selection of accomplishments which are definitely not all-inclusive!

** Not really.  But I may commission a drawing of such a monument at some point from my cousin in addition to some new logos and gifs.

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