Thursday, October 16, 2014

Streaking In College Should Be a Basic Human Right

 “I didn’t drink. I was never a big party girl, but I streaked. I don’t know why. … I just was in a naked frame of mind. I don’t think I was the only streaker, but I might have been the leader of the streakers. And we just all streaked, all summer.”

There have actually been students kicked out of school and even arrested and jailed for running around without clothes on.  Although I have never actually done it myself, I know so many of you that did!  This was often the first glimpse of a naked opposite sex person (or same sex NTTAWWT!) by many a College Freshman.

So it isn't a surprise that even TV/Movie Stars have joined in.  I'm just sorry there isn't pics or video! Except for her appearance on Conan O'Brien.  It seemed to me O'Brien rings some sort of bell when it comes to Streaking...  See link for that.


  1. When I streaked in college, no one noticed. Kind of depressing.

  2. The best streak ever might have been one organized by Gene Whetstone who had one of his former gymnasts do a naked tumbling run during a break in a big meet at a packed Rec Hall.

  3. I was workingthe 1976 NCAA Men's Gymanastic Championships at Rec Hall when the streaker did a round-off, back handspring, back summie across the floor ex mat before the championships began. I do not believe and never heard that Coach Whettstone had the guy streak - especially considering the campus police went after him.

  4. I heard the Coach W. story from a CDT sportswriter who covered gymnastics. Since Coach W. was an incredible showman when it came to putting on big meets, the story rang true.

  5. The streaker's name was Jim Calhane. Even some guys from the men's gymnastic team know (to this day) if Coach Whettstone knew that Calhane was going to do what he did.


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