Monday, October 27, 2014

World Speed Golf

The World SpeedGolf Chapionship concluded over the weekend. This year's event featured Olympian Nick Willis who placed 17th after leading on day 1. More info on the event here

I still say we should incorporate this into Alumni Weekend. It may be the only way I won't embarrass myself on the golf course.

In other news here's the deer that made its way into the Days Inn Penn State early Friday morning. Unfortunately they failed tranquilize the animal and had to "dispatch" it. Guess he doesn't know that all hotels in State College are booked months in advance for football weekends.


  1. This guy should be penalized two points for not replacing his divot and not raking out the trap. Maybe a third point for running on the green. Wonder how hard this would be to play on a Sunday morning when the course is jammed. Would all the knuckleheads in carts let him play through?
    Didn't Steve Scott score some brilliant rounds doing this years ago? Like two over par while running and carrying his bag. Probably could be done best with a three wood, six iron, a wedge , and a putter.

  2. After watching the speed golf video, another one with Nick Willis popped up. He's shot a 79 in 36 or so minutes. His being a Kiwi makes me wonder why they haven't taken it up a notch with maybe chugging a beer after each hole and seeing if anyone can even finish 18 holes. This might draw more alums to the PSU tournament next year as well.

  3. I remember some people with some remarkable times and scores carrying nothing but a 7-iron. Used the bottom of the blade to putt and everything. Wish I knew where to find this stuff.

    And yes, Steve Scott was the Neil Armstrong of speed golf. Or the George Washington. Or the Moses. Or the Adam...

  4. Ok, let's take this out a few steps further. Speed/beer golf. Chug a beer on each tee and see who can even finish a round in a day and not repeat any holes along the way.

  5. I'm out in the middle of the 2nd hole. Carry on boys, go on without me...


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