Monday, December 22, 2014

A True Trailblazer!

Despite being called "an older gentleman" by one of our younger set, he laced up the spikes at the recent USATF Club Cross Country National Championships.  I tried to appease his psyche a little by reminding him what we all thought when we were 8 or 9 years old.  Anyone over 30 was ancient back then.  It did hurt a little to realize that he is actually younger than I am...

John Evans. Photo by Michael Scott, again!

John Evans became the very first to run in his Alumni Singlet and represent our very own USATF Mid-Atlantic Division team (Penn State Track/XC Alumni).  For his efforts, he has been given just the second Lifetime Platinum Membership in our group.  He'll never pay dues again!  And he gets a post of his very own choosing on the blog.

John was only sad that no one joined him in making a team, and that Coach Groves was not there to call him a part of the female anatomy at the finish.  He relates he had a lot of fun at the event!


  1. I wish I had know John was there!! I ran for GPTC on their 40-49 team... Would have been great to see the PSU singlet!!

  2. 40-49! You're just a spring chicken.


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