Thursday, December 18, 2014

Another Coach Is Recuperating, Plus a Return of Karma

Not a PSU Coach, but as close as you can get to being a PSU Coach...

Longtime State College Little Lions Coach Jackson Horner recently suffered a fall in Florida while weeding his garden.  This resulted in him being admitted to Hospital, having two surgeries and being in Critical Care for a number of days.  Then he was upgraded to Intensive Care for a few days before finally transferring to Rehab.

Cards and well wishes can be sent to:

 Health South, 6150 Edgelake Drive, Sarasota, FL 34240

"The cross-country team coached by Jackson Horner, set an enviable record with six state championship teams from 1963 to 1986."

 Coach Horner is, of course, one of the finest high school coaches that PA has ever produced.  His accomplishments are many, including many team State Championships, individual State Champions, and hundreds of fine individuals.  Not to mention scores of Nittany Lions.  Get Well Soon.

And Karma is back!  Here's Boy George bringing it to you...


  1. I haven't seen George for a long time. Look at him---fat and bald and trying hard to be relevant. Sad in a way. Nice song though.

  2. "When you go, you're gone forever."

  3. Did you change the video? I don't see a BG that is fat or bald.


  4. @KKOB It sure isn't the Boy George I remember from 1983 though. Not sure what the original commenter meant. It truly was an anonymous comment and from someone I cannot trace the internet address of, like most. Mine are just lyrics from the song. I was a Podiatry student in Philly then. Seems so long ago! always enjoyed that song somehow.


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