Sunday, December 28, 2014


As the year draws to an end, here are some reminders for the wonderful members of our group:

  1. Don't forget to vote in the first of two semi-finals for the Performance of the Year.  Vote for your top 3 choices on the left side-bar of the full web-site.  The top 3 choices will make it to the finals, along with the top 3 from the next semi-final (semi-finals were randomly chosen from all the entries submitted throughout the year on the right side-bar by enthusiastic members).  There is still a few days left for the first semi-final.  The second semi-final will be placed in the same location on New Year's Eve and run for 6 days.
  2. Don't forget to click on the Google Adsense ads you find on the web-site.  Every single click makes money for our group.  These funds help defray the costs involved in site maintenance and all leftover funds go directly to the Coach Groves Scholarship Endowment.  The further you click in to any ads you find, the more revenue is generated for us.  Actually purchasing something makes us even more.  The ads are tailored to appeal to what is presented on the site. Some of the ads are for places that you already frequent, like Family Clothesline etc. The security of the ads is great, and every click helps!
  3. And don't forget about our Group Store.  There are plenty of items there that appeal to just about everyone.  And some changes will be coming for even more soon!
  4. And don't forget to sign up for the Dinner With the Coaches following the Sykes-Sabock Meet!

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