Monday, February 2, 2015

Groundhog Monday and Super Hangover Day

The seer of seers was in a surly mood when they ripped him from his toasty lair this AM for the prediction we all await with knowing gloom.  And Snowmageddon III came through last night here in South-Central PA, bringing with it the third inch of snow for our area.  Roads are practically empty and my appointments have dwindled to 66% or so despite the non-event.  At least the Mayor of Gotham didn't manage to kill another cousin of Phil this year! They had her protected by a lucite enclosure just in case he had more nefarious intentions. Have any of you attended the ceremony at Gobbler Knob?

Our Idiot Officers were well represented at the big celebration in Phoenix yesterday too!  Grand, Exalted IT Czar Jeff Sanden obtained tickets from a box of crackerjacks or something.* 

Have I mentioned, "I hate you",  Jeff?

In other news of note relating to previous posts here on the blog with it all, arson only means probation at PSU.

And all that crap about 1% incline on the treadmill to account for the lack of wind resistance is just that, a bunch of crap.**

*Not really.  I'm sure he earned them somehow!
** Except when running fast, possibly.

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