Tuesday, February 17, 2015

It's Deja Vu All Over Again

My perusal of the internet netted me this pic of Blog Contributor Nick Scarpello following a fine 10-Miler in 51:16, which is almost exactly my PR for the distance.  I won't tell him by how many seconds I bested him in 1977!  But then again, today 10 miles takes me 3 days or more, so I'm not bragging.  I won a frozen turkey back then but I think he won cash. Nice run Nick!

Excellent use of the Alumni Singlet.
Maximum exposure of Alumni Singlet!
And be sure to contact Nick if you are interested in The Encinitas Mile.


  1. Thanks for the s/o David and for the Encinitas Mile pitch! IAnd I'll post an update to the blog soon. You're the man.

  2. I wish someone would tell my wife and kids that! Hell, if they just told the dogs and cats, I'd be OK with it.

  3. Rumor has it that the singlet also made an appearance (or three) in sunny Florida as Mark Hawkins and Don Ziter laced them up for the Gasparilla 15k and 5k races. The Tampa mayor was sporting a Penn State shirt and gave a nod to Hawk for the singlet.


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