Sunday, March 29, 2015

In Praise Of Pappy

I'm just happy that someone else refers to their grandfather as Pappy.  Tyler McCandless's Pappy and my Pappy actually didn't live too far apart.  I spent weekends and a good portion of every Summer near where Tyler grew up.

Tyler McCandless won yesterday's Ukrop Monument Run in Richmond.  He dedicated it to his Pappy, who helped steer him toward his running career.  Donations in honor of Ralph McCandless can be made to Athletes For A Cure.  I just gave in honor of Tyler, who does more to epitomize what a true Nittany Lion should be than just about anyone I know.

Tyler McCandless

Ralph McCandless

Foster Bray at my graduation 1985.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to former PSU All American Tyler McCandless for winning the Monument Ave/Ukrops 10K in Richmond ( 29:38).
    Tyler took home the $2000 Collegiate Running Associations First Prize.


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