Saturday, March 14, 2015

Second Generation All-American Resplendent In (Near) Alumni Singlet!

It was a heck of a race last night in the Indoor Facility named after a chicken magnate.  The Penn State Distance Medley team unveiled their old-school singlets, which actually use the same template as our very own Alumni Singlets, minus the word "Alumni" in the bottom bar.

Brannon Kidder, Robby Creese, Za'Von Watkins and Alex Shisler.
Brannon Kidder led off with the 1200M leg and dawdled near the back of the pack throughout the race.  That's because he had narrowly made it into the Mile Final a few hours earlier with the coolest Mile time ever!   4:00.00

When you can answer both of these questions with honesty "No", you are in a special and select group.

"Did you run under 4 minutes for that mile?"

"Did you run over 4 minutes for that mile?"

He ran a spirited last "quarter" to ease into 4th place or so with his split of 2:58.18 and handed off to Alex Shisler for the 400M leg.

Alex made the long trip for his parents worth it and PRed with his split in 46.86!  The hand off was to Za'Von Watkins who has been mired in a season-long rut of 1:50 second 800M races.  But Za'Von broke through with his PR with a 1:47.61 handing it off to Robby Creese in fourth place.

Robby was passed immediately by the eventual winner, Edward Cheserek of Oregon, but then gradually eased himself to the lead pack after the first 1000 meters.  Then "Boom"!  Robby took off, gathering in everyone in the race except Edward. His 3:59.57 gave the PSU quartet second place in the time of 9:32.21 .

Two generation of PSU All-Americans. Alex and Beth (Stever) Shisler!


  1. Nice race!
    Thanks for posting....

    Where is the rest of the meet ;-)

  2. I like these uniforms so much more because the regular ones are exactly the same pattern and lettering as Michigan State's uniforms (and of course they are old school!). They should use them all the time or get some new regular uniforms.

  3. @Frit I agree wholeheartedly. And so do many of the current athletes. There have been numerous examples of old-school unis in recent years. Us old-timers have generations of friends in tbe ranks.


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