Monday, April 13, 2015

Honoring Two Great Coaches

First up is a celebration of Coach Groves' long string of Penn Relays ending this year.  Rather than dwell on the negative, Greg Fredericks has arranged a celebration at Coach's residence in State College to celebrate all the Carnivals he has attended.  This will be the first that Coach Groves has missed in about 70 years.  Coach started attending as a Grade Schooler in a 8 x 55 yard relay.  He ran there in high school and college, even running the same leg of a 4 x 880yd. against my father-in-law.  He also coached his Army team, his William and Mary team and, of course, the Nittany Lions.  Following that he was an honored trackside Official until last year. Not many people have as much history of their own at the Penn Relays.

Help Greg honor Coach on his birthday:

Penn Relays will be here soon and we all know what that means... Coach Groves birthday!

Coach's birthday is Friday April 24th and he will be 85.  We are planning a little celebration at his residence.  It would be really nice if you could drop him a card or give him a call.  He is a bit disappointed he will not make it to the relays so we can help cheer him up.  I believe he has missed Penn Relays only once in the past 70 years!

His address is:
Mr Harry Groves
c/o Juniper Village
610 West Whitehall Road
Room #132
State College, PA 16801

We are...

Thank you all.

 The second way to honor Coach is to attend our 14th Annual Reunion and Golf Tournament.  Now is the time to get your check in the mail to Clark Haley.  All the details are in this post from 2 months ago!

And in a happy coincidence (?), the Memorial Service for ex PSU Cross Country captain and long-time State College Coach Jackson Horner will occur during our reunion weekend.  Many PSU Alums are also State College High Alums and will get a chance to honor Coach Horner and still attend all our festivities!

A service of remembrance for Coach Jackson Horner has been set.

Jackson Horner memorial service & luncheon
Saturday May 16, 2015
Grace Lutheran Church, State College, PA

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