Monday, April 6, 2015

More Photos Saved From The Dustbin Of The Early 80's

Chris Herr at Villanova.

Todd Shenk Mike Valenti, with spectators John and Jim Reyner, above .Unknown Jumper, below!
Todd Leggett rightly points out that the thrower is Mike Valenti, not Todd Shenk.  Greg even told me that in his email.  I have no excuse for getting it wrong other than I'm an idiot.

Zeb Stewart, below. Unkown runners, above.
Fact checkers Alert.  You know what to do!  (A little help with identification...)  All photos by Greg Reyner.


  1. I'm guessing that the guy on the tower manning the accutrack is Steve Hackman.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The first runner behind Zeb is Paul Mackley; can't tell the next guy. Is the jumper Ron Gulaskey (help, Darryl)?

  4. All of these photos suggest that the sun rarely shines at PSU for home track meets. As for Skwilli being a miserable steepler, he's in good company with several other miserable PSU steeple miscreants.

    Addistone from Bedrock.

  5. @Addistone You didn't have to agree with me! And I could teach people much faster than I how to water jump.

  6. The form of Zeb hurdling is worse than mine!

  7. Zeb looks exactly like Malinowski. He's in good company.

  8. Zeb Malinowski


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