Wednesday, April 1, 2015

More Pics of Yore With Some Additional Down Under Content: The Only Fool Here Is Me!

Photos by Greg Reyner.

That's Track Alumni Golfer Todd Leggett tossing the javelin, but we need help identifying the three steeplechasers.  (Some time between '82 to '86.)  Mere moments after posting, the answer was given by Bob Hudson!  (Steeplers - Vinny Accardi, Rick Clellan, Nick K)  My readers are the best.

I have received a few submissions concerning the recent post about recruiting in Australia.  It isn't bad enough that so many swimming and crawling/running creatures can kill you in Australia, but now the plants are getting in on the action!

But let's leave on a happier note.  Here's a cat with an accurate map of Australia on its nose.  I am assured that this isn't a joke.  Tasmania must be on her tongue.


  1. Steeplers - Vinny Accardi, Rick Clellan, Nick K

  2. How about Gary Black in 3rd in the steeple pic?

  3. Not him. I don't think he ever ran the steeple, but I'll ask.

  4. Textbook perfect form by Kello, reminiscent of Mike Shine (and Edwin Moses).

  5. It turns out it is Gary in 3rd place in the steeple pic. His only foray into the event.


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