Tuesday, May 19, 2015

As Promised, I Had My First Glass of Milk In 39 Years

My last glass of milk came 39 years ago at Cross Country Camp at Mount Saint Mary's College.  The morning lecture extolled the absolute importance of drinking milk for the protein and calcium, so I had 2 big glasses at breakfast.

When it came time for the late morning 10 Miler, I wasn't feeling too bad, but halfway through I had to duck into the woods for a rather rude bathroom break.  I caught back up to the group soon enough, but then it happened 3 more times and I was hopelessly lost.  Luckily, one of the other campers, albiet a special invited one, came back to find me.  It was none other than Alberto Salazar, and we had a short conversation about maybe not drinking milk again!  I explained to him that I wasn't the suckiest runner at camp and we arranged for another 10 Miler with 2 others the next day. It was a tremendous run that sealed my love of Mountain Runs forever. That run ended up at the Grotto of Lourdes, a place I would visit again when I finally found my way in my 40's.

Scout's Honor.  That is an absolute true story, not one of the fact-challenged posts usually appearing on this blog.

But here I was again, about to drink a big 16 ounce glass of "milk" yesterday I had purchased at the Creamery at the behest of Jeffrey Dover.  I took 4 Lact-Aid pills, a Beano because it also has soy in it and dove right in to my Dr. Pete's Recovery Drink.

I must say, it was delicious.  And although I can't say for sure that I know what chocolate milk tastes like, I can say that I finished it very quickly with a smile on my face.  My daughter loves the stuff and I purchased a six pack of the stuff for her.  It has 35 grams of protein from 3 different sources.  That's something that no other product can claim.  It has earned the first ever Blog Seal of Approval!  Thanks, Jeff.

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