Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Said Better Than I Ever Could

Director of Youth Development and newly minted Board Member Artie Gilkes released a missive to all our brethren (and sisters!) to attend our reunion.  And remember, we had to hound him to the ends of the earth to finally golf with us!

The golf outing reunion is a great time! It is a great time to meet up
with fellow Nittany Lions from many different eras. It also, gives us a
platform to help support the program. We need to get scholarships endowed and
we specifically need to get the Harry R. Groves scholarship endowed! The money
raised from the golf outing/reunion is a step in that direction.

On a more personal note I can honestly say the friendships I made while a member of
the Nittany Lions squad are as important to me as family. Furthermore, the
friendships I've developed with alums I would other wise not have met if not
for the reunion have become some of the most valued relationships in my life. I
would love nothing more than for as many of us  as possible to expirience the
same thing. It is more than comical the amount of cross over personalities
there are between eras. There is a lot of satisfaction an espri di corps when
members of different eras get together. I would rather be with you lot than the
finest people in the world... And I'm just going to throw this out there too,
the joy Coach gets from having everyone together is immeasurable!

We're closing in on the date and if possible I urge one and all to make it back. If
you can't make it this year, make it next year... Check out the attachment
below Clark put together. And if you're like me and not a golfer I can assure
that golf is the least of what goes into the weekend...
Rusty Boots...

14th Annual Harry Groves Golf Outing / Track and Field Alumni
Gathering –

Greetings All, Here’s the Agenda for the Weekend
– please note the changes (mainly the Coach Horner service):
15th) EVENTS:
- Meet and greet at Damons (Located in front of the Hampton Inn)
from 7-10pm (appetizers and soda’s will                        be provided –
Booze is on your own, sorry!).  Will be a bar crawl afterwards – destinations
- The Alumni run will start at the track at
9:oo am for anyone interested in a short jog or a loop around campus.  Coffee
and Donuts served at the track – Coach Groves will be the official starter…
There has been a memorial service scheduled for Coach Jackson Horner (State
College High Coach) that starts at 11:00 for those interested in attending
(Grace Lutheran Church in State College).
- The Golf outing will be held at the
Elks Club again this year with the putting contest taking place at 12:15
followed shortly thereafter with the outing beginning at 1pm.  There will be a
group gathering to hike Mt. Nittany or take a campus tour meeting in the lobby
of the Hampton Inn (also at 1pm) - for those not interested in golf (Leader of
that tour(s) will be named Friday Night).
- The dinner reception (after golf)
will take place at Damon’s – Banquet room yet to be determined (though we’re
trying to get the upstairs room for Coach) – beginning at 7pm – Cash Bar.
have a block of rooms reserved (under Penn State Track and Field alumni) at the
Hampton Inn with a reduced rate of $99 / night (1101 East College Avenue (814)
231-1590) – they will hold this block until Tuesday May 5th so jump on that now
as it jumps another $30/night otherwise .  All checks for golf and dinner will
need to be sent to me this year at 112 Coachlight Circle – Chalfont, PA 18914
(we’re not sophisticated enough to run this through any kind of a credit card
yet though we may explore Pay Pal in the future)…
The fees this year are the
same as last - $150 for those attending the outing and the receptions – the
“newbie’s” will again have a reduced rate of $100 (anyone graduating in the past
5 years).  Those of you “flying” in (by plane – need to clarify that for Black
since he thinks driving 90 mph should be considered flying) will enjoy the same
reduced rate (unless your name is Bill Malchano). If you choose to attend the
Friday night function alone, the fee will be $25 – Saturday alone, $50.  Costs
for those with children (under 18) attending the reception(s) - $5 on Friday
night and $10 on Saturday.
This event is open to both men and women (large hint
there) and friends of PSU alumni - the more the merrier!  Do not feel as if you
would embarrass yourself if you have no golf game (we’ve been embarrassing
ourselves for 13 years now and enjoy laughing about it…).
Dave, Harry and I are
happy to announce the inclusion of Brian Fuller, Artie Gilkes and Ken Brinker to
the golf committee – so feel free to yell at them for whatever reason you’d
like!  Did I mention contributions for both the endowment fund and golf outing
are gladly accepted!
If you should have any questions or comments, please let
me know – Hope to see you this year!            

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