Thursday, June 4, 2015

Official Physicist Accepts Our European Relocation Offer

Our very own Official Physicist, Brian Boyer, (although really a Nuclear Engineer), has accepted our position as Official European Liaison and will be relocating to Vienna, Austria in the coming weeks.  It was good to see him at the Reunion and Golf Tourney, where he snagged his second inscription on the Coach Groves Cup!  We wish him well in his main job of promoting PSU Track and Field and his hobby of protecting the world from Nuclear Terror.

Before he leaves, he brings us this 1983 advertisement from the TAC Junior Championships held at the PSU Track.  In a coincidence, Brian is from the Reading area, where the Dolfin Sportswear Co. had its headquarters.  In those days I wore a XS singlet and S shorts.  Sigh...

And does this ad stir any memories in the older set???
More from the 1983 TAC program to come...

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