Friday, June 19, 2015

The Earliest Ever Heads-Up For Next Year's Reunion And Golf Tourney*!

Next year's Reunion and golf tournament will be the biggest and bestest event yet.  It will mark the fifteenth anniversary of Clark Haley's original idea and will incorporate many decades of past PSU Tracksters along with the current crop too!

Set aside the weekend of May 13-15th, 2016 for the festivities.  That does not conflict with Mother's Day, Memorial Day or Graduation.  It also coincides with the "off" week between The Big Ten Championships and the first round of the NCAAs.  That means that Coach Gondak (who has been golfing with us since the very first year he came to Happy Valley) and his forces can celebrate with us.  We plan on having many extra surprises for everyone. 

There are only 330 days left to prepare.

*The golf is always optional, but highly recommended.

1 comment:

  1. Does the 330 days include the extra day for leap year? I don't want to show up on the wrong day?


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