Friday, July 10, 2015

Physicist Unravels Key Detail Of Crime: Long Due Physics Update

The iconic photo by Alfred Eisenstaedt is known by just about everyone.  It shows a Navy member kissing an unsuspecting woman in Times Square in celebration of VJ Day.  Although official word of the victory didn't come until 7:00PM, word had leaked out earlier and the party began.

In today's world, the man would possibly be taken in for rape.  This second angle of the same event gave Physicist Donald Olson the information he needed to deduce that the event occurred at 5:51PM. What would we do without Physicists?

And now that the CERN Facility is back up and running at increased power (and we all are still here!), we will be getting some new and strange Physics information soon.

1 comment:

  1. I seriously doubt the quality of ANY work these alleged scientists have done and will do. (1) The "couple" in this photo (which by the way is NOT the iconic one - wrong angle) is the scumbag, drunken, molesting sailor and the woman in the background to the left, his gf and wife-to-be, not the one in the white nurse uniform. (2) The woman being molested was positively identified decades ago and re-verified this millennium (These guys don't know that? Seriously? And we are to believe this hooey?). (3) The same attacked woman also noted - decades ago and more recently - the approximate time it took place because she had recently left the dental office in which she worked...Duh! (4) In addition, Nevermind...I already proved my point! What a waste of money, that yet again proves pseudo science lives on and people get paid to preach it. NOW that I think about it, the statue made from this assault should be destroyed because it symbolizes drunkenness, abuse, disregard, and self-entitlement!!



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