Friday, August 7, 2015

I'm "One Of Those" Treadmill Runners

Or, as Kelly O'Brien puts it, "One of their kind"!  hee hee hee  Thanks for the link, Kelly.

But there was once a time when I actually didn't even count miles done on a treadmill.  Now, almost all of my "miles" are done on a mechanical, spinning, electricity-sucking machine, my beloved Lifefitness 9500HR.  It's much better on my knees and will possibly allow me to keep doing something longer than otherwise.  Next up would be an elliptical machine matching a running stride as much as possible.  Or one of those Alter-G treadmills like PSU Track has just obtained because of the generous contributions from people in or influenced by members of our group.

The most I ever ran on a treadmill at one time was 20 miles at 9:00/mile in the Winter of 1996, getting ready for the Walt Disney World Marathon of 1997.  That was my last ever attempt at a race while actually training and being "in shape".  (I was all set for a 3:30 conquest of the 4 Theme Parks until I cramped up at the 17 mile mark and had to hobble home in just under 4:00.)

This Guy just set the World Record for Treadmill Running with 81.62 miles in 12 hours.  That's 8:48 per mile for 12 hours.  I'm not dismissing that, but that's a record that could have been trounced by many of us back in the day.  Does anyone agree?

He didn't even watch TV!


  1. I agree many of our teammates, including us, could have challenged and exceeded that accomplishment, easily ON THE ROAD. A treadmill would have driven me nuts. And if I hadn't been ratted out, my trimester break State College to Harrisburg run would have been a reality. Hmmm, it's never too late to TRY. Anyone? Anyone?

  2. I think you are right. Many of us could have done it, possibly including me. And getting used to a treadmill does take some time, but you would have managed it without problem. When I run "outside" now, I start out dizzy, which feels a lot like the start of some of those Sunday Mountain runs years ago.


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