Sunday, September 20, 2015

Cross Country Apps For Your Phone And Tablet

These are all Android Apps.  For those who travel with The Dark Side, you are on your own! (Most everything is available for the iPhone too.)

By far the most interesting for me is CourseWalk - The Eventer's App  This is actually an app for the equestrian version of cross country.  This allows riders to view a course ahead of time and match landmarks and mile marks.  You can actually take a virtual tour of the course!  This kind of program could be adapted to the human form of cross country and make a lot of people happy.  I would have loved this a very long time ago at William and Mary when we warmed-up by running the entire 6.2 mile course before the race, and then ran the race.  Maybe my warm-up was faster than my race?  When we then started on the course again for the warm-down, I was finished.  6.2 + 6.2 + 6.2 = (actually high level mathematics like that was impossible at the time with my dizziness and confusion.)  When you realize that the course is on the grounds of an infamous mental institution, you really don't want to be left behind...

There are a couple of fundamental score keepers available for free, and some others that can cost a few dollars apiece.  The really good ones are for use by coaches on tablets and can run upwards of $20.

And for the really adventurous, here's an app for Cross Country Running Strength conditioning, whatever that is!?

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