Sunday, September 13, 2015

Diamonds (are a) Girls, Best Friend(s)

Joe Kovacs added to his haul of awards this year with the Diamond League Championship in the Shot Put Competition.  "Hey Joe, where are you going with that trophy in your hand..."

The Womens Team won the Coach Harry Groves Spiked Shoe Invitational in State College against some higher ranked competition.   They were paced by race winner, Tori Gerlach.

The Mens Team performed well, placing third behind Syracuse and Michigan. Ean DiSilvio placed 7th to lead the Lions.

The PSU Alumni Team placed 5th in the team competition with Brian Fuller leading the way in 22nd place.  Others on the team were Joey Walls, Mark Fuller, Kevin Fuller, Chris Cipro and co-blogger Matt GrovesCasimir Loxsom acted as coach, trainer and captain for the squad.  Thanks for representing the rest of us sloths!

Cas Loxsom, Kevin Fuller, Mark Fuller, Brian Fuller, Chris Cipro, Matt Groves and Joey Walls.
I missed the meet as I was in Pittsburgh for my daughter's PSUAC race in McKeesport.  It turns out 2 of her best friends and high school teammates were also there.  ( running for University of Pitt Johnstown, Mt. Aloysius College and Penn State Mont Alto.)

Marta, Lauren and Daughter the Elder representing York Suburban High.


  1. Good job, "Brain" Fuller and gang.

    " Psu Alumni
    22 Brain Fuller 26:49 5:09"


  2. He went to Penn State. I'm sure his brain is fuller, it's not like he went to Pitt or Temple!!!

  3. So that means there were two or more "Brain Fullers, PSU Alumni"


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