Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Trail Dominance Both Domestic And International By Group Physicists

When the tracking thingie showed no motion at all after 41 miles or so, I despaired that an injury or accident had befallen Future Official Group Physicist Ron Moore.  He was running the Pinhoti Trail 100 in the wilds of Alabama.

But do not fear.  It takes a lot to stop Ron in anything he does.  He continued on even if his beta trail tracker didn't.  He finished the 100 miles in 26 hours and 34 minutes.  The buckle he won would be worn by me even on my pajamas or running shorts at all times! 

Best of all, Ron raised money in the fight against cancer.  He met his goal in donations and his desire to join the 100 mile group.  Congrats Ron!  (Now, can you golf?)

And current Group Physicist (Nuclear Engineer) Brian Boyer has been running on some unique Trails in Vienna with his dog.  On successive days Brian ran on the Stemmerallee Prater and the
Zieglergasse with his Staffordshire Bull Terrier Nikki.

Stemmerallee Prater
 No word on if the trails were named after 70's icons Paul Stemmer and John Zeigler?

Addendum: Looking at the results tracking page still shows poor Ron stuck at the 41.1 mile mark at the bottom of the biggest mountain on the course. And here's Ron running in the rain! Note the Alumni Singlet garnering him a certain nomination for Performance of the Year on the right side-bar (hint).