Tuesday, December 22, 2015

A Treadmill Runner Weirder Than Me!

I take a lot of heat for running almost all of my miles on a treadmill.  But I do occasionally brave the outdoors. And the most I ever ran on a treadmill was 20 miles. This guy won't have the outdoor option at all when he "runs the London Marathon".

The current record for treadmill running of a marathon in space is held by a woman!  Sunita Williams ran the Boston Marathon in 4:24 while strapped to the machine by sophisticated bungee cords and duct tape in 2007. The newer machine should be much nicer.

Our very own Liz Cunningham almost became an astronaut and could have easily eclipsed that mark!  (Thanks to Official Physicist Brian Boyer for that tidbit.)

 And a timely episode of the Muppets "Pigs In Space" just for the heck of it.