Tuesday, January 26, 2016

A Day For Blogging, And A Little Podiatry Thrown In

With the monumental snow still snarling most of York, I am here at "work" mostly twiddling my thumbs and waiting for the occasional patient.  This gives me time for what I really enjoy... Blogging about Track and Field and motivating other alums into attending our Reunion and Golf Tourney.

Efforts are already underway to expand upon the 800U meme that has acquainted us with Olympic Silver Medalist Yevgeni ArzhanovPhil Passen's embrace of "the beautiful sport" led him to Yevgeni and Phil is efforting to expand upon his brief reply to our questions previously posted!

And the string of Phil to Yevgeni has extended further, with Once Upon a Time In the Vest's George Brose getting me in touch with Sid Sink, All-American Steeplechaser and roommate of Dave Wottle at Bowling Green University.  I am about to message Dave in hopes he will also accept an honorary membership in our Alumni Group with Sid, as Bowling Green no longer even has a team!  This could lead to some great discussion on training and its changes over the years and hopefully more.  Keep your fingers crossed!

It turns out that Sid Sink was the coach of both of Bridget Franek's parents (Tom & Rosalie Franek) at Bowling Green.  It is no wonder that he describes her parents as "very good distance runners". Here's a couple of articles about Sid (and Dave Wottle), our latest Honorary Member!

Retired coach was world-class runner at BGSU

The Age of Innocence 

Murph Byrne, Bob McComber, Sid Sink, Rick Schnittker, Dave Wottle & Steve Danforth  

Chief Laundry and Morale Officer Larry Mangan also is quite pleased with our latest couple of posts.  He relates that news of Yevgeni completes a weird trifecta involving him and each of the 1972 Olympic 800M medalists.  He was recruited by Dave Wottle at Walsh College and had the pleasure of occasional distance runs with Mike Boit while in Eugene, Oregon. 

I am literally astounded how almost every one of us is linked to each other in this glorious world of Track and Field, despite many miles and even time itself!